Saturday, May 1, 2010

I have an idea....

....and it's brilliant!

Keep at bottle of "All Better" in your fridge so when your kids get hurt, you just take out the bottle, feed them a spoonful and voila!

The bottle could contain anything, as long as it tastes good to your child. Decorate the outside of the bottle or jar to make it look legit. Don't forget to mention it's purpose..

Child: "OWIE! It hurts!" [wet snotty bawling]

Mom: "Wanna take some medies so you can feel all better?"

Child: "uh hu."

And presto, ALL BETTER!

I've discovered that with kids, it's all about the placebo. As long as they think it's working, it's working. My kids could probably break a bone but as long as we put a bandaid on it, they'd be fine. :)

I told you it was a fabulous idea!

Your welcome.


F. Lex said...

There have been numerous studies in recent years which have shown large improvements in breast cancer outcomes from exercise. On this blog, I have written about the Nurses' Study, the HEAL Study, and a study on exercise and breast cancer by Dr. Friendenreich and colleagues, among others. They've all shown significant improvement in breast cancer outcomes for women who exercise regularly. However, the studies measure exercise in different ways, some include nutrition differences as well, and they look at different outcomes.Now, researchers in Saudi Arabia have done a meta-analysis of the existing studies. Their results were published in the journal Medical Oncology.And what they found is encouraging - or alarming to anyone just sitting around on the couch. After analyzing 6 different studies, they found an overall decrease in breast cancer deaths of 34% for women who were physically active post-diagnosis. Active women had a 41% lower death rate from all causes.

G. Taller said...

Unfortunately, where you see the enhancing effects from caffeine is in hard-working athletes, who are able to work longer and somewhat harder, says Graham, who has studied the effects of caffeine and coffee for nearly two decades. "If you a recreational athlete who is working out to reduce weight or just feel better, you're not pushing yourself hard enough to get an athletic benefit from coffee or other caffeinated products."But you can get other benefits from coffee that have nothing to do with caffeine. "Coffee is loaded with antioxidants, including a group of compounds called quinines that when administered to lab rats, increases their insulin sensitivity" he tells WebMD. This increased sensitivity improves the body's response to insulin.That may explain why in that new Harvard study, those drinking decaf coffee but not tea beverages also showed a reduced diabetes risk, though it was half as much as those drinking caffeinated coffee."We don't know exactly why coffee is beneficial for diabetes," lead researcher Frank Hu, MD, tells WebMD. "It is possible that both caffeine and other compounds play important roles. Coffee has large amounts of antioxidants such as chlorogenic acid and tocopherols, and minerals such as magnesium. All these components have been shown to improve insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism."Meanwhile, Italian researchers credit another compound called trigonelline, which gives coffee its aroma and bitter taste, for having both antibacterial and anti-adhesive properties to help prevent dental cavities from forming. There are other theories for other conditions.