To my dear family,
I miss you all SO much, there are really no words that come close to describing how bad I wish I could be there with you today. This is going to be my first holiday spent an ocean away from you. But that doesn't mean I'm not thinking about you. Lately it seems like I'm counting my blessings more than ever before. This experience has taught me how much I was taking for granted. Today (and every day) I am thankful for so many things. But if I have to narrow it down....
I am especially thankful for -
The cooking abilities of my siblings, passed on from my father, that makes every holiday sooooo tasty! (especially Jeff's Sweet Potatoes...see sidebar)
My siblings. Even if they couldn't cook, I'd still love 'em!
My 3 beautiful daughters. Each so unique and alike at the same time.
Health. I am healthy, my family is healthy, life is good.
My husband. He has been more than wonderful to me. Since our very first date, he has treated me with such great respect. He has been everything I've dreamt of in a soul mate. I feel sorry for the rest of you girls, I got the best one!
New experiences. Even though I complain ENDLESSLY about living here, so far from home and everything I know and love, I am thankful for the opportunity. It's been quite the eye opener. OK, I'm ready to go home now.
My Dad. Even though he's been gone almost 6 years now, I'll never stop loving him or remembering how great he really was. He was a smart, strong, stern yet kind man who would do anything for his family. I'm proud to say he was MY dad.
Humor. What would the world be like without it? My husband and my brothers are among the funniest people I know. Some of my fondest childhood memories are of Jeff and Dave laughing together. I wouldn't even have to know what they were laughing about, just hearing them was funny enough.
Music. I'd be mental without it. I mean, even more than I already am.
And finally, my Mom. Oh, where do I begin with her? She is truly something special. Never will I ever meet another so loving and selfless as her. I keep telling her she has to live to be at least 100 because I can't imagine a life without her.
Believe me, I could go on forever with this. But these are the things I am MOST thankful for at this very moment in time. I hope you all have a fun and yummilicious Thanksgiving day. Can't wait to hear how your pumpkin cheesecake with gingersnap crust turns out, Sue! Sure wish I could have a taste.
I love you all so very much.
p.s. Maybe we can get on the web cam later today? I'll check at 7pm (noon your time), that way the girls can say hi too.