Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Fun to be outside

What a glorious time of year! It's so nice to be able to just open the patio door and step out onto the deck! During the winter we can't do that because of the snow wall that piles up insanely high.

It's wonderful that the kids can go out back to play and blow lots and LOTS of bubbles, while I watch them from the kitchen window, at ease because I know there is a fence surrounding them. I love that feeling of safety.

My babies are so photogenic, I envy them. But I'm glad they like to be photographed because it gives me so much joy. And I think it's great that they will have a library of photos from their childhood. I don't have hardly any of myself. Maybe my mom does. I'll have to ask her.

I'm more than excited for summer. I plan on being outside ALL the time, taking TONS of pictures. In the evening when the sun is setting is the BEST time to take pictures, IMO. The golden glowing layer that rests atop everything is gorgeous! Nothing beats it!

Can't argue with that!

view more posts at www.thearfffadventure.blogspot.com

1 comment:

Chastity said...

It is so fun to be outside! Don't you think we appreciate it more too with the crazy winters this area brings! Love the photos, you are so talented Charlotte!