Monday, February 9, 2009

At Kronborg Castle

This is the most renowned castle in Denmark, made famous round the world by Shakespeare's "Hamlet".

In the chapel.

Down to the casemates - very creepy. It was actually pitch black down there except for the lanterns they had set up every now and then, just enough to see a foot in front of you.

Statue of Denmark's legendary hero, Holger the Dane

Andreas and I, embarrassing our kids

How massive Barbie would be if she were real

Cool wedding dress - notice the skeletal hand reaching up to grab the breast

Another cool dress on display at the castle


Kelli Nørgaard said...

Hey there! Just stumbled across your blog today! I am assuming that since you write your blog in English, you are an expat!?

Charlotte said...

Yes I am. I've been in Denmark since August and will go back to the US in May or June.

Charlotte said...

Yes I am. I've been in Denmark since August and will go back to the US in May or June.