Friday, January 29, 2010

Swedish Books

I love being married to a non-American. I love that my daughter will grow up speaking a second language. I love the Scandinavian culture. I love the diversity it brings to our home and how it has planted the seeds of curiousity into my children. I love that it sparks such an interest in them and hopefully it is something they will continue to want to be more knowledgable about. I love the opportunities we've had to travel and live abroad with our children. I hope that because of that, they will grow up with a better understanding of the world and an appreciation for other people and ways of life. I love the early start on foreign language learning they have gotten.

As you can imagine, we have quite an array of Swedish written books in our home. It's so wonderful to listen to Andreas reading these stories. I hope one day I will be able to read them in their entirity also!

Ah, Mumin. We love Mumin around here. We have about 6-8 Mumin DVDs as well, although we haven't watched them in a while for some reason. They are strange creatures, not sure what they even are. Like a cross between a hippo and a marshmallow!

I couldn't love how they put this book together anymore! They are so different, so creative and colorful.

Little comic book style here.

Astrid Lindgren...

A cute picture from Emil

Lilla Anna is a favorite here. I know we have about 6 or so of these books but for some reason I could only find 3. Hm...Eden must be hoarding again.

Pettson and his cat Findus are always having crazy adventures...funny stuff.

Reading about tiny forest children is always fun.

Well duh, of course we have Hans Christian Andersen, we lived in Denmark!

And to be fair, some cute American books as well.

This is a picture from one of Emma's Swedish books. It reminded me of last summer, when we were walking through the forest trails in Glendalough Park. Emma had an accident and we didn't have any extra pants with us so she had to walk the rest of the way naked from the waist down. LOL

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