Emma (2) - loves going for long walks, as long as you hold her. Likes to pick turds out of her diaper and use them as crayons. Knows the words of every Hannah Montana song better than an 11 year old girl. Says “oh crap” when things don’t turn out in her favor.
Eden (6) - avid finger sucker. Loves to collect “treasures” outside such as bottle caps, shells, rocks, and tampon applicators. Will one day end up on a Dr. Phil show featuring hoarders and their families.
Hanna (10) - would go a month without taking a shower if she could get away with it but thinks underwear that say “sexy” are gross. Has an ability to concentrate so hard on the tv when it is on that the house could be burning down around her and she still wouldn’t blink. (We're checking into whether or not tv watching can become an extreme sport) On a scale of 1 to 10 has a pain threshold of -40.
Andreas (old) - consumes so much sugar he’s on the donor list for his 4th new pancreas. He is Super Geek, king of the nerdery, where he works. Has logged more hours on the game “Spore” than the developers themselves.
Charlotte (looks 25, and that’s all you need to know) - nunchucks expert. Secretly wishes to be a ninja. Has the maturity level of a 13 year old boy who proudly knows 150 alternatives for the word poop.